What Is IT Support?

IT Support services provided by tech companies allow their customers to resolve any problems they are having with their products, either via telephone, online chats or emails. They are accessible 24/7.

IT Support generally operates using a tiered system, with Tier 3 representing the most advanced level. At this level, subject matter experts help find solutions for even the most complex problems.


Keep IT support costs to a minimum is essential to any successful business, and using a third-party provider allows businesses to maximize benefits without incurring the costly overhead associated with employing full-time IT teams. By outsourcing, businesses can focus on core production practices instead of being distracted by IT issues.

One way to reduce IT support costs is through automation tools and self-service solutions, such as automation tools that enable users to find answers faster without waiting for IT specialists – saving the business money on labor costs while eliminating overtime wage payments.

One way of cutting IT support costs is limiting the number of tickets an IT specialist deals with. This may be achieved through educating non-IT employees on the technologies they use so they can complete simple tasks themselves such as resetting passwords. Furthermore, analyzing IT reports may reveal areas for cost saving measures.

Easy to access

An effective IT support team offers customers a range of different support options, from telephone to email and webchat assistance – and some teams even provide face-to-face assistance, especially with household devices like Wi-Fi routers. Help desks may also be accessible online or through social media channels.

Tier 0 IT support occurs when customers access information through various sources, such as website search queries, FAQs, technical manuals and in-built application help spaces. IT professionals also utilize an effective tool known as Swarming Support that enables one technician to handle an issue from its inception through resolution.

An efficient IT support system can save money and minimize downtime for your business, yet navigating this complex process can present unique challenges. Tech companies increasingly opting out of full customer support – so before making any significant decisions it is recommended to consult an experienced IT consultant first.


IT Support services are available around the clock to protect businesses against cyberattacks and other technology problems that threaten to wreak havoc on operations. From dedicated in-house technicians providing IT services to reliable partners like Electric, IT support can help address day-to-day issues and ensure systems remain up and running.

IT support entails answering inquiries regarding technology and offering assistance to employees or customers, while installing equipment, optimizing network performance and adhering to best practices for protecting digital assets.

Many companies provide IT support via phone, email, and live chat. Some may provide Level 1 and Tier 2 support while others have dedicated teams that handle more complicated IT issues. When deciding between these support options, always consider your customer service expectations when considering round-the-clock support as this requires additional resources to manage an increased volume of inquiries.

Customer service

Technical support, commonly known by its acronym “tech support”, is a call centre-type service that assists individuals and businesses with any technology issues they might be having, from an intermittent computer being shut off all the way to a business network being compromised by hackers.

A reliable IT support team should be able to respond swiftly and provide solutions for all of your inquiries, quickly and confidently. Training support staff on both technical and soft skills such as time management and effective communication is vital. Creating a bank of predefined responses for commonly asked questions is one way of making sure every inquiry can be answered quickly and confidently.

Level two technical IT support personnel possess more in-depth expertise and experience to aid in the resolution of more complex incidents. They may provide assistance by phone or online chat and can use remote support software to take control of a user’s computer to fix an issue remotely.